Type a description for this product here... 4. Indications In allergic states, anaphylactic shock, anazarcă, furbură, urticaria, anaphylactic oedema, Myoglobinuria, toxic states, in the stress of transport, in toxic hepatitis, in arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis and tenosynovitis, in Astmatiforme states, postoperatively, for Reduction of inflammatory reactions in horses, bovines, goats, swine, dogs and cats. 5. Contraindications Do not administer to animals in the second half of pregnancy (may cause abortion) or those with infectious diseases and with cardiac or kidney disease. 6. Adverse Reactions High doses and prolonged treatment can cause adrenal insufficiency, depression of immunity with favor of infections. 7. Target species Horses, cattle, goats, swine, dogs and cats. 8. Doses for each species, pathways and way of administration Inject only intramuscularly. Doses per day and animal are as follows: -Adult and equine bovine animals: 10 ml for 1-2 days. -Goats, calves and swine: 1-3-5 ml, one administration; -Dogs: 0.5-1 ml, one administration; -Cats: 0.25-0.5 ml, one administration. In Acute cases you can increase the dose twice. 9. Recommendations on correct administration It is advisable to administer anti-infectious therapy during treatment with Dexametarom Forte. 10. Waiting time Meat: 21 days (horses, cattle), 8 days (goats), swine (3 days) Milk: 2 days after the last treatment.