Each milliliter contains:
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate)......... 50 mg
Sodium selenite.......................................... 0,5 mg
Solvents q s ad ................................................ 1 ml
Pharmacotherapeutic action:
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble intracellular antioxidant, involved in stabilizing unsaturated fatty acids, thus preventing the formation of toxic lipoperoxides.
Selenium is an essential natural nutrient for animals. Selenite is a component of the glutathione-peroxidase enzyme, which plays an important role in protecting the cell against destructive oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides (free radicals).
In diseases produced by vitamin E deficiency (encephalomalacia, myosystrophy, exudative diathesis), infertility, decreased fecundity or the percentage of hatchability. It is administered in case of iron overdose in piglets (prevents intoxication).
Administration and dosage:
It is administered injectable, intramuscularly or subcutaneously
1ml / 10 kg G.V., repeated after 2-3 weeks
Calves, sheep and goats:
2ml / 10 kg G.V., repeated after 2-3 weeks
It doesn't exist.
Side effects:
It does not exist in the case of administration of prescribed doses.
It doesn't exist.
Interactions with other drugs:
There is no
Waiting time:
This is not the case.